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Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to download digital elevation data for Continuum modeling using OpenTopography. 

OpenTopography screenshot_edited_edited.

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to download USGS land cover data and extract area for Continuum modeling using QGIS

USGS MRLC viewer.png
USGS Land Cover
Global Land cover

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to download CORINE, Global Wind Atlas and WorldCover land cover data for Continuum modelling. CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) covers Europe while the Global Wind Atlas and WorldCover include land cover across the globe. 

Global land cover screenshot.png

Tutorial Summary:

In this tutorial, learn how to download and install the prerequisites needed to download and import ERA5 reanalysis data in Continuum®.

CDS API screenshot.JPG

Tutorial Summary:

In this tutorial, learn how to update your system and files in order to access ERA5 data through CDS-Beta.

CDS-Beta API screenshot.JPG
MERRA2 data

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to download reanalysis data to your PC and how to extract and analyze reanalysis data at specified coordinates.


If time series met data is imported in Continuum, reanalysis wind speed data may be used in MCP (Measure-Correlate-Predict) to predict long-term wind speeds at each met site.

Analyzing LT Reference data.JPG
Met time series

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to format and import met time series data and apply met data QC filters.


Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to conduct MCP (Measure-Correlate-Predict) using reanalysis data as the long-term reference data and met time series data. Choose from four MCP methods and bin data by wind direction, time of day, and season. Learn how to run MCP uncertainty analysis.

MCP analysis.JPG
Wind flow model

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how create Continuum® wind flow model using topography, land cover data and either met TAB files or met time series data files.

WS Maps

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how create Continuum® wind flow model using topography, land cover data and either met TAB files or met time series data files.

Round Robin

Tutorial Summary:

​Learn how to conduct a Round Robin uncertainty analysis. In a Round Robin analysis, wind flow models are created using subsets of the met sites which are then used to predict the wind speed at all met sites that were excluded from the model. Every combination of met sites are used to create a model and predict the wind speed. The RMS (root-mean-square) of the wind speed estimate errors is calculated and is an indication of the uncertainty of the wind flow model.

Gross Ests

Tutorial Summary:

​Learn how to generate gross turbine wind speed and energy estimates using one (or many) power curves.


Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to create the exceedance model needed for calculating production losses (other than wake loss). Performance factor curves are used to define both the loss and uncertainty associated with various loss factors. Choose from 17 performance curves to define. Run a Monte Carlo model which combines all performance factors to produce the overall composite P-table. The P50 value of the composite table is used to calculate the turbine net energy production..

Exceedance tutorial.png
Wake loss

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to create wake loss model, generate wake loss estimates, and find net energy production estimates at turbine sites. Learn how to create maps of waked wind speed.

Wake Model tutorial.png
Shadow Flicker

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to calculate number of shadow flicker hours per month at each specified zone and create map of shadow flicker hours.

Shadow flicker tutorial.png
Ice throw

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to calculate ice throw probability statistics for each specified zone.

Ice throw tutorial.png

Tutorial Summary:

Learn how to generate a turbine sound propagation model and estimate sound levels at locations of interest.

Sound tutorial.png

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